Nothing much to report but trying to stick to my resolve to post something everyday. Daniel Radcliffe makes strong stage debut in Equs. Yay! Daniel. We're moving offices on Friday--somewhat stressful as I work for 5 people. I feel baka. I cannot seem to change my MySpace layout no matter what I do. It just doesn't take--like it's being overwritten. Modifying this page was a piece of cake by comaparison. Computer glitch nearly starts a panic on Wall Street. Yay! Wall Street (just kidding). Starting Moby-Dick tonight.
nov·el /ˈnɒvəl/ –adjective/ of a new kind; different from anything seen or known before: a novel idea. *** eye -noun/ 6. the power of seeing; appreciative or discriminating visual perception: the eye of an artist. 8. an attentive look, close observation, or watch 9. regard, view, aim, or intention 10. a manner or way of looking at a thing